Come celebrate and praise God with us for 14 years of ministry. God has given us double favor and double portion these 14 years as evidenced by our humble beginnings with 19 members in 2000, meeting in Shotwell Middle School until now operating ministry in a 18,000 square foot multipurpose building, over a thousand members and many ministries.
Guest Speakers for the celebration are
8am - Pastor Bobby Minor, Lead Pastor of Courageous Church, Fort Worth, Texas
Bobby is living, breathing proof that God loves to use the least likely, even to lead a church. From selfish, self-centered drug-dealer to selfless, Christ-focused pastor, his story is a reminder to us all of God’s goodness, grace, mercy, and love. Bobby has 20+ years of success in sales and marketing in Corporate America with several Fortune 500 companies, 10+ years as an entrepreneur, 4+ years as a social media and marketing consultant, and over four years as a church consultant. He was also a teaching pastor/elder at Waves of Faith in North Fort Worth, and has a heart for India, making four trips there in the past five years. Bobby is married to his beautiful Puerto Rican/Dominican wife Cary, and they have three awesome kids, Caleb, Carimar, and Julian.
10am - Pastor Dennis Dunn, Senior Pastor of Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Pastor Dennis G. Dunn, II, moved to Albuquerque in 1992 and was called to lead Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church (FMBC) in 1994. He and his wife, Laverne, have two adult children. Pastor Dunn says he enjoys serving as FMBC’s pastor because it is a multi-cultural congregation with a local and foreign missions focus. Pastor Dunn is a visionary leader who has declared FMBC’s mission statement to be, “The Church Without Walls, Going in a New Direction,” to serve people through whichever avenues the Lord makes available. FMBC has over 28 ministries serving Albuquerque’s west side communities. Pastor Dunn’s passion for missions has inspired followers to trust God at home and abroad. Led by Pastor Dunn, FMBC’s mission team has ministered in Guyana, South America; Hong Kong, China; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; San Pedro Sula, Honduras; Managua, Nicaragua; and Belize, Central America. Working side by side with local villagers, church members, and community workers FMBC missionaries have taught and shared the love of Jesus Christ in communities and prisons, to local and high-ranking government officials while helping repair church buildings and feeding the poor. Locally, Pastor Dunn and FMBC support Project Share and Noon Day Ministries by preaching, praying, singing, foot washing, and feeding the homeless. Serving at Noon Day Ministries gives FMBC the chance to create a satellite service every Fifth Sunday. Through Project Share, FMBC feeds homeless families every month.