No reservations needed for 8a or 10a Worship

New Destiny Family and Friends, we are open for 8a and 10a morning worship on Sundays along with our Wednesday night bible study @ 7p. No reservations needed for either service.  However, you are required to go through our COVID-19 screening process which includes completion of the online COVID-19 screening form and temperature check upon arrival. MASKS should continue to be worn during the entirety of your visit. We continue to maintain our safety and sanitization protocols. Keeping you safe remains our primary consideration. This is a contactless worship service and our safety protocols must be followed to ensure the safety of all worshippers.
For your convenience, please complete the COVID-19 screening form online before you arrive for service for all adults and children.  This will greatly streamline your check-in process and allow you to enter worship timely.
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