The Throne Room Prayer Ministry

Prayer Ministry Mission Statement New Destiny Praise and Worship Center Prayer Ministry believes the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that in it are truths on which to build an effective prayer life. Therefore, we desire to inspire people to pray, encourages a deeper prayer life, support existing prayer resources and offer sound Scriptural training in prayer. Our mission statement is: "To encourage prayer among the saints of New Destiny Praise and Worship Center in harmony with the Scriptures." 1. By uniting in prayer. 2. By involving more people in prayer. 3. By encouraging personal and corporate prayer. 4. By intentionally seeking ways to grow in prayer effectiveness. Some of the ways we fulfill our vision are: 1. Sponsoring regular opportunities for community prayer  - Corporate Prayer Service 2. Hosting prayer events such as Prayer Vigils and Fasting 3. Providing personal prayer via telephone prayer ministry – Monday Night Prayer Calls The New Destiny Praise and Worship Center Prayer Ministry is designed to minister to the needs of the body of Christ through prayer.  It is designed to support the Pastor and the Vision of the church. We believe that God uses prayer to release His power into our lives and our circumstances. We have a number of opportunities for people to receive prayer, as well as to be trained to pray more authentically. Prayer Service Times: Wednesday Nights 6:30pm - 7:00pm Sunday Mornings 7:30m - 8:00am Men’s Ministry 8am – 9am (Choir Room) Theme:  What On Earth Am I Here For? For more information please contact: Pastor Tammy Isaac 281-580-8686
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