Caleb’s Children

Our primary goal is to reach non-believing students and bring them into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, connect them with other Christians, help them grow in their faith, and challenge the growing process to discover their ministry and Honor GOD with their life. Our Purpose in Children’s Ministry is derived from the five purposes found in the “Great Commandment”, and “The Great Commission” -Matthew 22:37 – 40 & Matthew 28:19 – 20 Worship Celebrating God’s presence and honoring Him with our Lifestyle

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart”

Ministry Meeting needs with love. God has blessed every believer with special gifts to be used for ministry. A healthy Children’s Ministry will constantly encourage students to discover their gifts and put them into practice through ministry and mission opportunities.

“Love your neighbor as yourself”

Evangelism Share the good news of Jesus Christ with those who do not have a personal relationship with Him.

“Go and make disciples”

Fellowship After students become believers, they are welcomed into the fellowship of believers. True fellowship happens when students are known, cared for, held accountable and encouraged in their spiritual journey. “Baptizing them” (fellowship with other Christians) Discipleship Build-up and strengthen believers. Discipleship is a lifelong process that God uses to bring us to maturity in Christ.

“Teach them to obey”

Caleb's Children is divided into two unique services: Kids Everlasting Service Our Kids Everlasting Service parallel with our adult services in the following areas: praise and worship, recognition of first time visitors, scripture, offering, ministry of the Word, invitation to Christ and prayer, in conjunction with object lessons, games, loads of fun and lifelong friendships with other believers. Wednesday Night Live Service (WNL) Children enjoy relevant life-application activities that are Bible based. WNL is designed to repeat Sunday’s lesson with a more amusing and animated flavor. This is achieved through puppetry and popular children’s entertainment, etc. WNL also offers academic support for those students who may be in need of assistance.
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